Sunday, January 23, 2011

Women's Health

Vericose Veins

I have been filling in as a temporary nurse at Veradia Vein Clinic with Dr's Matt Casey and Josh Plorde.  These men are both Interventional Radiologists.  In short, they perform image guided procedures to yield the best outcome for patients in the least invasive manner.  Most commonly treated in the clinic are Vericose Veins.  Both doctors perform what is called "Endovenous Laser Ablation" of the larger veins in your legs.  Initially a consultation is performed and a diagnostic ultrasound is completed to determine whether or not there is indeed reflux in the larger veins in your legs.  From there the doctor can discuss with you the appropriate treatment options.  From my personal experience in watching these men work, I can highly recommend them to you.

Please follow the link below to read about vericose veins and treatment options available.

For individuals interested in alternative treatment options available to decrease the symptoms from Vericose Veins, here are a few links to follow.  Also, keep in mind that as uncomfortable as they are, support hose really do help considerably.  When a person has developed vericosities in the legs, this is often an indication of weak or insufficient valves in the veins in the legs to keep the blood moving back toward the heart.   The best way to return blood to the heart from the legs is by walking.  When there are incompetent valves in the veins, support hose can act like the calf muscle in squeezing the veins to keep the blood flowing in the proper direction.  So, avoid sitting/standing for extended periods of time - get up, take a five minute walk, do a few forward folds and chair poses.

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Some women who have vericose veins may also have vericosities higher up, into their vagina.  They may experience low back pain, painful intercourse, heavy bleeding, and symptoms which are often diagnosed as endometriosis.  If you have these symptoms, it is worthwhile to meet with a doctor to discuss the possibility of having Pelvic Congestion Syndrome. In my short time at Veradia, I have been with Dr Casey when he has discovered these symptoms in patients and referred them to have an MRI for an official diagnosis.  There are treatment options out there that can help significantly with these symptoms. 

Please follow the link below to learn more.,0,7384728.story

For individuals interested in a more natural approach, here are a few more links to follow and browse through.

Uterine Fibroids

I have been surprised at meeting women who are desperate to keep their uterus despite being told by their OB/GYN's that the best treatment for these fibroids is a hysterectomy.  I have always loved my GYN's and definitely encourage yearly exams.  However, as a nurse and a patient advocate, it is always my suggestion to try the least invasive treatment options out there first.  As you read about uterine fibroids, you should learn that typically the symptoms disappear after menopause.  There are many options out there to be considered in regards to treatment options for uterine fibroids.  My best advice to you as a consumer is to do your homework, consider your self - your age, life style, comfort level, willingness to try conventional/alternative options.  Get a second opinion from another medical provider (preferably a different type of provider, such as an interventional radiologist, naturopath, chiropractor) regarding your situation.  With time and exploration, you can find the best treatment option for your body, your spirit, your self.

Here are few links to explore.

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