Sunday, January 16, 2011


I went to bed last night after completing the previous blog and couldn't stop thinking about detoxifying the body and fasting.  I woke up this morning, practiced Yoga, then went to the website I had included in a link previously to the Gaiam article about fasting.  I reread the article and solidified my decision  to fast today.  I have completed a 24 hour fast in the past and remember being elated at the end of the day that I had completed the fast.  I remember the struggle to make it through the day with that cloudy/foggy feeling in my head - feeling unable to concentrate on anything for any length of time and not being sure if my sentences always make sense.  I also remember reading an article at the time I completed that fast which suggested that the best health benefits from a fast are accomplished in the first 24 hours and that fasting for longer than that shows no real health benefits.  Uncertain what to believe, I did some more research today and found a story on NPR about 24 hour water fasts.  I've included the link.

It is now 5:00 pm and my day has been filled with laundry, while my two younger kids and the neighbor girl are playing "Cake Boss" in the kitchen (unlimited access to making homemade cakes and decorating them - I think it's going to be a turtle scene), and my oldest tries to complete a "Rube Goldberg" machine for a school project.  I have enough mental where with all to give advice briefly and answer questions, but my brain doesn't seem to be good for anything besides laundry.

Despite my unfortunate ability to read with much clarity, I found another link to include discussing fasting and also the limits of fasting - again 24 hours seems to be the best.

Have you ever fasted?  Please write in and let us know your experiences with fasting.


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